
AI in marketing is an ally, but it’s not a replacement for human creativity. It’s a module that generates content and solves complex tasks, especially mathematical ones, aiding those who might struggle in these areas.

AI’s Role and Limitations

While AI, like ChatGPT, is beneficial, it often falls short without human participation. For skilled bloggers, it’s sometimes more straightforward to write content than to adjust AI-generated text. ChatGPT tends to use general terms and phrases, making its content easily recognisable. Moreover, longer chats with AI can sometimes lead to more inaccurate results.

The Strengths of AI

One of AI’s undeniable strengths is its impeccable grammar. Regardless of the content’s complexity, AI ensures grammatical correctness, which is a boon for many users.

Exploring Other AI Tools

During a trip to Morocco, the unavailability of ChatGPT led to the use of Google Bard, which seemed more informative and scientific in its language. This experience highlights that while AI tools are evolving, they each have their strengths and areas of improvement.

Reflecting on AI’s Rapid Development

Earlier this year, many corporations called for a halt in AI development, suggesting a need for reflection given the rapid advancements. This pause was essential, but as time progresses, the demand for innovative AI solutions continues to grow.

Current State of AI Tools

Tools like Midjourney and Dall-E, which generate images, have shown promise but also have limitations. They can sometimes be repetitive, ignore instructions, or produce off-mark results. However, they represent the current state of AI, which, while impressive, still requires human oversight.

The Value of the Human Mind

Despite AI’s advancements, the human brain’s value in creativity and understanding remains unmatched. Even in tasks like coding, which AI can handle, the human touch is irreplaceable. The nuances of human creativity, understanding, and intuition can’t be replicated by machines.


In marketing, AI tools are designed to enhance human creativity, not replace it. They serve as aids, but the core of creativity and innovation still lies within the human mind.

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